Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm so bitter!

team: M&N
member: Mark
location: Downtown Campbell, CA Farmer's Market

The Indian Bitter Melon is commonly used in Chinese and Indian cuisine.  It hails from Southeast Asia and has a distinct warty looking exterior.  It is popular in Asian salads and in stir-fry dishes.  It is eaten when green, as the fully ripe fruit is too bitter to eat.   The gal at the stand said it's good in soups, fried with garlic and her Dad loves it in omelets!  Yum-o!


  1. Indian bitter melon. We found a Chinese bitter melon. I wonder how many they sell? I think you would have to like bitter. I think I will stick with sweet melons (I am partial to water melons).

  2. I wonder if it would be tasty in some minestrone soup? Or if you would even know you were eating it...

  3. Ya - If these had any appendages, they would look like Horned Toads


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